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The intent of a protective device coordination study is to determine the proper settings for each overcurrent device in the power system. Ideally, the settings will protect the system equipment while also limit the portion of the system affected by a fault.

We will determine settings for your protective devices including thermal magnetic and static trip circuit breakers, electronic relays, and determine fuse sizes and characteristics in the power system. These settings and fuses will be determined by plotting the Time Current Coordination (TCC) curves of the devices and comparing the trip settings. Specific TCC curves will be created for each unique scenario in the electrical system.

Additionally, devices such as transformers, motors, and generators will also be plotted where applicable to ensure proper protection of each piece of equipment. This is accomplished by comparing the transformer curves, motor starting curve, and generator decrement curves to the overcurrent device(s) protecting them.


As per the rcny 4000-01 section (b), subsection (1)(iv) and Administrative Provision 27-3018.L, a short circuit selective coordination report is required for all electric plan review (EPR) submissions. RKV engineering can provide the following:

  • CAD floor plans and one-line diagrams adhering to the EPR requirements.

  • TCC curve(s) indicating selectivity between the service overcurrent device and the next largest device.

  • Available fault current.

  • All documents signed/sealed by a New York State PE.

  • $650 filing fee (if not provided elsewhere).

© 2020 by RKV Engineering, P.C.

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